Languages in the Ring of Worlds
I like languages. It’s important to me to understand how to pronounce words when I see them, whether we’re talking Earthen tongues or invented languages straight from the author’s mind. Accent marks are a key element to understanding how to pronounce words, real or imagined.
You'll spot a smörgåsbord of diacritic-laden words from around the world and across the centuries in my books. You’ll also find a lot of accent marks in my conlang, Ôrëńos, which I co-crafted with Joseph W. Windsor. It’s a viable, naturalistic language, and every diacritic denotes a specific pronunciation that seldom varies.
Are the accent marks bugging you? By all means, ignore them. Your enjoyment of my work trumps any kind of pronunciative pedantry I’ve implied. If you don’t find the stories fun, then what’s the point, right?
I strove for accuracy and completeness in these books, but if I've missed anything or botched something, please help me correct my blunders. After all, 10,000 eyes are better than ten or twenty.
Drop me a line by email at chris@theringofworlds.com.
Glossary of Names & Terms
Adamma /ʌ.ˈdæ.mʌ/ (uh-DAM-uh) (Αδάμμα) is a Greek surname.
Adrienne Vorpahl /ˈæd.ri.ən ˈvɔr.pɑl/ (AD-ree-en VOR-pal) is a female name.
Aeronwen /aɪ.ˈrɔn.wɛn/ (eye-RON-wen) is a Welsh female name.
ʻAfārīt /ʕa.ˈfaː.riːt/ (ah-fah-REET) (عفاريت) is Arabic. It refers to supernatural spirits or demons in Islamic mythology. The plural is ʻifrīt /ʕif.ˈriːt/ (eef-REET) (عفريت).
Āiláo Quán /ái.láu tɕʰy̌ɛ́n/ (eye-LAO chyehn) (哀牢泉) is Chinese. It denotes an ancient place in China or the Tèng Empire.
Ak’wah yukwaiá’das /ə.ˈkʼwə ju.ˈkwəi̯.áʔ.ˈdəs/ (h-KWAH yoo-KWY-ah DAHSS) is Onondaga. It means, “My heart’s son.”
Ākāśa /aː.ˈkaː.ʃə/ (ah-KAH-shuh) (आकाश) is Saṃskṛta. It means ether, sky, space, spirit, or vacuum. It is used in Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain philosophy to describe the space or medium in which all things exist.
Amaterasu /a.ma.te.ˈɾa.su/ (ah-mah-teh-RAH-soo) (天照) is Japanese.
Amanuensis /ə.ˌmæn.ju.ˈɛn.sɪs/ (uh-man-yoo-EN-sis) is Latin. It means a secretary, scribe, or assistant. The plural is amanuenses /ə.ˌmæn.ju.ˈɛn.siːz/ (uh-man-yoo-EN-seez).
Amlodd /ˈam.ɬɔð/ (AM-loth) is a Welsh male name.
Amṛta /əm.ˈɽi.tə/ (uhm-RIH-tuh) (अमृत) is Saṃskṛta. It means nectar or immortality. Alexander Eldred describes it as a hypnotically swirling, amber-colored mass.
Anar /ˈʔan.ˤaːr/ (AHN-ahr) (رمان) is an Arabic name.
Andrej /ˈan.drʲej/ (AHN-dryey) (Андрей) is a Russian male name.
Annulus /ˈan.nu.lus/ (AN-nuh-loos) is Latin. It means ring or circle. The plural is annuli /ˈan.nu.li/ (AN-nuh-lee).
Arāmāyā /ˈʔar.aː.maː.jaː/ (AR-ah-mah-yah) (آرامية) is Arabic. It is the name of the Aramaic language.
Ásbrú /ˈau̯s.bruː/ (OWS-broo) (ᛅᛋᛒᚱᚢ) is Old Norse. It translates into Æsir’s Bridge or Bridge of the Gods. It refers to the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard to Midgard, the Bifröst /ˈbɪv.røst/ (BEEV-rerst) (ᛒᛁᚠᚱᛟᛋᛏ).
Ašmədʾāy /ʔaʃ.ˈmədʔ.aj/ (ash-MUHD-uh-y) (أشمدياي) is Arabic. It is the name of a powerful jinn (demon). In Islamic, Jewish, and Christian mythology, he tempts humans into sin and is associated with sensual pleasures, particularly sexual lust.
Auditum Peritiae Arcanae /ˈau̯.di.tum pe.ri.ˈti.e aɾ.ˈka.nae/ (OW-dee-toom peh-rih-TEE-eh ahr-KAH-nay) is Latin. It means Arcane Proficiency Audit. There are two versions of the assessment one to Grade magically-gifted children to help determine their schooling curriculum and a more intense audit to assess a prospective member of the Concilium Magorum (Council of Wizards).
Ban Sith /bˠan̪ˠ ʃɪh/ (bahn-shee) is an Irish word. It means woman of the fairy mound. It refers to a female spirit or fairy who called the names of the dying. The male form is fear sith /fʲar ʃɪh/ (far-shee).
Bhāṣājñamantra /bʱaː.ˈʂaː.ɟɲa.ˈmaɳ.ʈra/ (bhaa-SHAA-gya-MUN-tra) (भाषाज्ञमन्त्र) is Saṃskṛta. It means the Spell of Languages. It helps a magician learn someone else’s tongue.
Bibliotheca Columbia /bi.bli.o.ˈthe.ka ko.ˈlum.bi.a/ (bee-blee-oh-THEH-kah koh-LOOM-bee-ah) is Latin. It refers to the massive public library in Columbia, in central Demurria.
Bohuslava /ˈbo.hu.slɑː.vɑ/ (BO-hoo-SLAH-vah) is a Slavic female name.
Boötes /boʊ.ˈoʊ.tiz/ (boh-OH-tiz) is a Latinization of the Greek, Boōtēs. It is a constellation. The Boötes Supervoid is a region of space that is located in the direction of said constellation. It is a region of space where there is an unusually low density of galaxies and other matter. The Boötes Supervoid is one of the largest known and measues about 330 million light-years across.
Byrne /bɜrn/ (burn) is Irish, derived from Ó Broin /oː ˈbɾˠoːnʲ/ (oh BRO-in).
Byssus /'bys.sʊs/ (BISS-oos) is Latin. It means fine linen or fabric.
Cakraṃ /tʃə.ˈkram/ (CHUH-kruhm) (चक्रं) is Saṃskṛta. It means wheel or disc. The cakra (the plural form of cakraṃ) are the seven primary energy centers in the human subtle body. They are located along the spine at the perineum behind the vaginal opening or testicles; two inches below the naval; below the diaphragm at the solar plexus; center of the chest; center of the throat; just above and between the eyebrows; and at the crown of the skull.
Calamitas /kä.'lä.mɪ.täs/ (kah-LAH-mi-tahs) is Latin. It means calamity or disaster. On Gaea, it is a magical board game for two or three groups of players. It teaches magicians strategy, tactics, critical reasoning, and how to fight in three-dimensional environments since it involves air, land, and sea elements.
Cambion /ˈkæm.bi.ən/ (KAM-bee-uhn) comes from medieval European folklore. It refers to a half-human, half-demon hybrid.
Catanach /'kʰat̪.ə.nəx/ (KHAT-uh-nuhkh) is a Scottish surname.
Cathedra /kə.ˈθiː.drə/ (kuh-THEE-druh) is Latin. It means chair, seat, or throne. The plural is cathedrae /kə.ˈθiː.dreɪ/ (kuh-THEE-dray).
Cernunnos /kɛr.ˈnʊ.noʊs/ (ker-NOO-nohs)
Cervantes /θerˈβantes/ (ther-BAHN-tes) is a Spanish surname. It is derived from the Old Spanish word "servant" (servant or server), which was later corrupted into "cervant" and eventually became "Cervantes."
Chāhak /ˈtʃɒː.hæk/ (CHAH-hak) (چاهک) is Arabic. It’s one of several villages in Iran known for producing Damascus steel during the medieval period, which lasted from approximately the 8th to the 16th century. Damascus steel was made using a unique process that involved forging together different types of steel at high temperatures and then repeatedly folding and twisting the resulting material. The resulting steel was then shaped into various weapons, including swords, daggers, and knives. The production of Damascus steel was a closely guarded secret, and the techniques used to create it were lost after the 18th century. Modern metallurgists are still trying to recreate the process used to make Damascus steel. It was the birthplace of the archlīc Dilșad.
Chèuhngsāam /t͡ʃʰ.ɔːŋ˥.ˈsɑːm˥/ (chawng-SAHM) (長衫) is Cantonese. It means a long shirt or long gown.
Chogūndapāta /tʃo.ɡuːn.də.ˈpaː.tə/ (choh-goon-duh-PAH-tuh) (चोगूण्डपात) is a Vidharthan name.
Ciarán Ó Gallchobhair /ˈkiər.ɔːn oʊ ˈɡæl.xɔːr/ (KEER-awn oh GAL-khawr) is an Irish male name.
Clíodhna /ˈklʲiː.nʲ.a/ (KLEE-uh-na) is an Irish female name.
Colonia Constantinum /ko.ˈlo.ni.a kon.stan.ˈti.nʊm/ (koh-LOH-nee-ah kon-stan-TEE-num) is a Latin name. It denotes a group of volcanic islands off the western coast of Demurria.
Concilium Magorum /kɔn.ˈki.li.um ma.ˈɡo.rum/ (kon-KEE-lee-um ma-GO-rum) is Latin. It means the Council of Wizards. There are thirteen members, each marked with a hidden glyph that they can reveal to others. It glows on their palms when they show it, and obedience to their whims is absolute. They meet in the Conciliar /conˈkɪ.li.ar/ (kon-KIL-ee-ar) Hall.
Congregans Sol /kɔŋ.ˈgre.gans sɔl/ (kon-GREH-gahns sohl) is Latin. It means Gathering Sun.
Conservare Semper /kɔn.sɛr.ˈwɑːr.ɛ ˈsɛm.pɛr/ (kawn-sair-wahr-ay sem-pair) is Latin. It means to always preserve.
Consiliarius /kɔn.si.ˈli.a.rjus/ (kawn-see-LEE-ah-ree-oos) is Latin. It means Councilmember. The plural is Consiliarii /kɔn.si.ˈli.a.ri.i/ (kawn-see-LEE-ah-ree-ee).
Curia Magorum /ˈkʊ.ri.a ma.ˈɡo.rum/ (KOO-ree-ah mah-GO-rum) is Latin. Curia were meeting places for the Senate in ancient Rome, and this is where the thirteen members of the Council of Wizards meet.
Cymraeg /kəm.ˈraɪɡ/ (kuhm-RYE-g) is Welsh. It refers to the dialect.
Darhavil /dar.ˈha.vɪl/ (dar-HA-vill) is a term of unknown etymology. It denotes the language of the Nephilim from the Dawntime civilization. Artifacts and knowledge survive from that era on Gaea but it’s mostly conjecture, legend, and myth.
Darhavilon /dar.ha.vɪ.ˈlon/ (dar-ha-vih-LON) is the Dawntime, an ancient epoch from which all humans descend. The origins of humankind and its distant history are lost to myth and legend, though some artifacts remain on Gaea and around the Ring of Worlds.
Dendrokrates /ˌdɛn.droʊ.ˈkreɪ.tiz/ (DEN-droh-KRAY-teez) (Δενδροκράτης) is Greek. It denotes male tree spirits. The plural is dendrokratoi /ˌdɛn.droʊ.ˈkreɪ.tɔɪ/ (DEN-droh-KRAY-toy) (Δενδροκρατοί). The comparable female form is dryad /ˈdraɪ.æd/ (DRY-ad) (Δρυάς). The plural is dryades /dɹaɪ.ˈeɪ.diːz/ (dry-AY-deez) (Δρυάδες).
Dezhnyov /ˈdʲeʐ.nʲɵf/ (D'YEZH-nyov) (Дежнёв) is a Russian surname.
Dies /ˈdi.es/ (DEE-es) is Latin. It means day. The Romans originally used an eight-day week with each day named after the planets. They switched to a seven-day system with each day named after the gods. They had a fiendishly complex calendar. On Gaea, the calendrical system hailed from Atülän until the Council of Wizards established the Doctrine of Unity.
Dies Solis /ˈdi.es ˈso.lis/ (DEE-es SOH-lis) The Day of the Sun. Sunday.
Dies Lunae /ˈdi.es ˈlu.nae̯/ (DEE-es LOO-nah-ee) The Day of the Moon. Monday.
Dies Martis /ˈdi.es ˈmar.tis/ (DEE-es MAR-tis) The Day of Mars. Tuesday.
Dies Mercurii /ˈdi.es mɛr.ˈku.ri.i/ (DEE-es mer-KYOO-ree-ee) The Day of Mercury. Wednesday.
Dies Iovis /ˈdi.es ˈjo.wis/ (DEE-es YO-wis) The Day of Jupiter. Thursday.
Dies Veneris /ˈdi.es ve.ˈne.ris/ (DEE-es veh-NEH-ris) The Day of Venus. Friday.
Dies Saturni /ˈdi.es sa.ˈtur.ni/ (DEE-es sah-TOOR-nee) The Day of Saturn. Saturday.
Dilșad /diɫ.ˈʃad/ (dil-SHAD) (دلشاد) is a Kurdish male name in the Kurmanji dialect.
Discipulus Impertinens /dɪ.ˈskɪ.pu.lʊs ɪm.pɛr.ˈti.nɛns/ (di-SKIH-pu-lus im-pair-TIH-nens) is Latin. It means impertinent student.
Doctrina Unitatis /dok.ˈtri.na u.ni.ˈta.tis/ (dok-TREE-nah oo-nee-TAH-tis) is Latin. It translates as Doctrine of Unity. This serves as the foundation for the Unified Government as set forth by the Council of Wizards.
Draugr /ˈdrɑu.ɡr/ (DROW-gər) (ᛞᚱᚨᚢᚷᚱ) is Old Norse. It is a type of zombie or walking corpse, but one animated by intense passion and a dangerous intelligence. The plural form is draugar /ˈdrɑu.ɡɑr/ (DROW-gahr) (ᛞᚱᚨᚢᚷᚨᚱ).
Drëndi Torbjørn Sørensen /ˈdɹɛn.di ˈtɔr.bjɔrn ˈsɔːr.ən.sən/ (DREN-dee TOR-byorn SOR-en-sen) is a female name of Scandinavian origin with surnames of Norwegian descent.
Dwynwen /dʊɪn.ˈwɛn/ (duin-WEN) is a Welsh female name.
Ednyfed /ɛd.ˈnə.vɛd/ (ehd-NUH-vehd) is a Welsh name. It is the name of the supercontinent girdling the equator of the panthalassic world, Omejis.
Eirianned /eir.ˈi.an.ned/ (AYR-ee-an-ned) is a Welsh female name.
Eisheth Zenunim /eɪ.ˈʃɛθ zɛ.ˈnuː.nɪm/ /ay-SHETH ze-NOO-neem/ (אֵישֶׁת זְנוּנִים) is Hebrew. It’s from the Kabbalah mythology and names a female demon associated with prostitution or fornication. According to non-Kabbalistic sources, she was a powerful earlier female figure reclassified as a whore in later androcentric religious mythologies.
Ělîšeḇa /ʔɛ.li.ʃɛ.ˈvaʕ/ (el-ee-sheh-VAH) (אֱלִישֶׁבַע) is a Hebrew female name. Ělîšeḇa Cervantes goes by the name Isabella.
Epiphania Lucis /e.pi.ˈfaː.ni.a ˈluː.kis/ (eh-pee-FAH-nee-ah LOO-kis) is Latin. It means Epiphany of Light.
Et Alas Mercurii /ɛt ˈa.las mɛr.ˈku.ri.i/ (et AH-las mer-KOO-ree-ee) is Latin. It’s a spell of swift travel.
Europe /eu̯.rɔ́ː.pɛ̌ː/ (eh-oo-ROH-pay) (Εὐρώπη) is an Ancient Greek female name.
Exscindo /eks.ˈskɪn.doʊ/ (eks-SKIN-doh) is Latin. It means to cut out or excise. Alexander uses it to cast destruction spells.
Eye of Diabállō /dia.ˈbál.loː/ (dee-ah-BAHL-loh) is a magical spell that manifests an orb for scrying.
Fascinatio /fas.kiˈnaː.ti.o/ (fahs-kee-NAH-tee-oh) is Latin. It means to charm or glamour someone.
Fāṭimah /fɑː.ˈtɪ.mɑː/ (fah-TEE-mah) (ܦܵܛܝܡܵܐ) is an Arāmāyā female name.
Gaḇrīʾēla /ɡav.ri.ˈʔe.la/ (gahv-ree-AY-luh) (גַּבְרִיאֵלָה) is a Hebrew female name.
Gaea /ˈɡaɪ.ə/ (GAI-uh) (Γαῖα) is Ancient Greek. It is the name of a planet.
Ghūl /ɣuːl/ (ghool) (غول) is Arabic.
Galaxías /ɡá.lak.ˈsi.as/ (gah-lahk-SEE-ahs) (Γάλαξίας) is an Ancient Greek term for the Milky Way galaxy.
Galen Ohahakehte /ˈɡeɪ.lən oʊ.ˈhɑː.hɑː.keɪ.teɪ/ (GAY-luhn oh-HA-ha-kay-tay) was a Kanien’keháka sorcerer.
Glacialis /ɡla.ki.ˈa.lis/ (gla-kee-AH-lis) is Latin. It is what the people of Gaea call the northernmost part of Demurria.
Gladius /ˈɡlad.i.ʊs/ (GLAD-ee-uhs) is Latin. It means sword, specifically the short sword used by Roman soldiers in close combat. The plural is gladii /ˈɡla.di.i/ (GLAH-dee-ee).
Gradus /ˈɡra.dʊs/ (GRAH-duhs) is Latin. It means grade. In this case, it relates to the Grading system applied to quantify a child’s magical capabilities, ranked from one to seven. The Council of Wizards ranks themselves from First Order to Tenth Order using the Dawntime system.
Primus Gradus /ˈpriː.mʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (PREE-moos GRAH-duhs)
Secundus Gradus /sɛ.ˈkʊn.dʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (seh-KOON-doos GRAH-duhs)
Tertius Gradus /ˈtɛr.ti.ʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (TER-tee-oos GRAH-duhs)
Quartus Gradus /ˈkwɑː.tʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (KWAR-toos GRAH-duhs)
Quintus Gradus /ˈkwɪn.tʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (KWIN-toos GRAH-duhs)
Sextus Gradus /ˈsɛks.tʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (SEKS-toos GRAH-duhs)
Septimus Gradus /ˈsep.tɪ.mʊs ˈɡra.dʊs/ (SEP-ti-muhs GRAH-duhs)
Grummore /ˈɡrɪm.mɔr/ (GRIM-more) is a Welsh male name.
Guānyīn /ɡwænˈjɪn/ (gwan-YIN) (觀音) is Mandarin.
Gubernatio Unita /gu.ber.ˈna.ti.o u.ˈni.ta/ (goo-ber-NAH-tee-oh oo-NEE-tah) is Latin. It denotes the Unified Government, the administrative body for all of Gaea except for the Tèng Empire (whose capital is included below for completeness), and Tenebrosus Continens, which is largely unoccupied. The capitals of each region are:
Albion /ˈæl.bi.ən/ (AL-bee-uhn) is Latin. The capitals are:
Londinium /lɒn.ˈdɪn.i.əm/ (lon-DIN-ee-uhm)
Roma /ˈroː.ma/ (ROH-mah)
Āryāvarta /aː.rjaː.ˈvər.t̪ə/ (ah-ryah-VAHR-tuh) (आर्यावर्त) is Saṃskṛta. The capital is:
Pāṭaliputra /ˈpɑː.tə.lɪ.puː.trə/ (PAH-tuh-li-poo-tra) (पाटलिपुत्र)
Demurria /de.ˈmur.ri.a/ (deh-MUHR-ree-ah) is Latin. The capital is:
Columbia /ko.ˈlum.bi.a/ (koh-LOOM-bee-ah)
Ifriqiye /ˈiː.fɾiː.ɢi.je/ (EE-free-gee-yeh) (ایفریقیه) is Persian. The capital is:
Axum /ˈæk.sʊm/ (AK-sum) which is Latin, but the original term is Ethiopian and written in Ge’ez.
Kaná:ta /kəˈnɑː.tə/ (ka-NAH-ta) is Latin. The capital is:
Kanehsatà:ke /kɑ.nɛh.sɑ.ˈtɑː.kɛ/ (kah-neh-sah-TAH-keh)
Persia /ˈpɜːrʃə/ (PUR-sha) (پارس) is Latin from Pārs. The capital is:
Hekatompylos /he.kə.ˈtɒm.paɪ.lɒs/ (heh-ka-TOM-pie-los) (Ἑκατόμπυλος), which is Ancient Greek.
Tenebrosus Continens /ˈtɛ.nɛ.brɔ.sus kɔn.ˈti.nɛns/ (TEN-eh-BROH-sus kon-TI-nens). It has no capital and only one small city, Vindmar, on the coast near the Nephilim Temple.
Tèng Empire /tʰə̌ŋ/ (tung with a rising tone) (騰) is Tèngyīn. It means to rise or to soar. The capital is:
Xiāngyáng /ɕi̯.ɑ́ŋ.jɑ́ŋ/ (shee-AHNG-yahng) (襄阳).
Guṇa /ˈɡu.nə/ (GOO-nuh) (गुण) is Saṃskṛta. It means attribute, characteristic, quality, or virtue, among other things. The guṇa serves as the fundamental substrate from which matter formulates by “programming” prāṇa to create material structures.
Hal-’êl Abtahi /χal.ʔeː.ˈl æb.ˈtɑː.hiː/ (khahl-ay-EL ab-TAH-hee) (הלעל אבטחי) is a Hebrew male name.
Hanc saltationem habere licet /hank sal.ta.ˈti.o.nem ha.ˈbe.re ˈli.ket/ (hahnk sahl-tah-TEE-o-nem hah-BEH-reh LEE-ket) is Latin. It means, “May I have this dance?”
Hāvakaṃ /ˈhaː.və.kəm/ (HAH-vuh-kuhm) (हावकं) is Saṃskṛta. It means summoner or summoning. The plural is hāvaka /haː.və.kə/ (HAH-vuh-kuh) (हावका).
Hayonhwathahonte /hɑ.ˈjɔn.hwɑ.θɑ.ˈhɔn.te/ (hay-ON-wah-tha-HON-teh) is an Onondaga name.
Hélène Castonguay /e.ˈlɛn kas.ˈtɔ̃.ɡɥe / (ay-LEN kah-STAWN-gweh) is a French female name.
Heōsphoros /he.ɔːs.pʰo.ros/ (hee-AWS-foh-ros) (Ἑωσφόρος) is a Greek male name.
Homunculus /ho.ˈmun.ku.lus/ (hoh-MOON-koo-loos) is Latin. It means little man or miniature human being. They are magical constructs twelve inches tall that have a vestige of the sorcerer who created them. The plural is homunculi /ho.ˈmun.ku.li/ (hoh-MOON-koo-lee)
Hrdlička /hrd.ˈlit͡ʂ.ka/ (hrrd-LEETCH-kah) is a Czech and Polish surname.
Imara Inanna /i.ˈma.ra i.ˈnan.na/ (ee-MAH-rah ee-NAHN-nah) is Mesopotamian. It means strength.
Incantamentum Affixionis /ɪŋ.kæn.tə.ˈmɛn.tʊm æ.fɪk.ˈsiː.oʊ.nɪs/ (in-KAN-tuh-men-tuhm uh-fik-SEE-oh-nis) is Latin. It means the Spell of Affixation and is a binding enchantment.
Incantationem de Restitutio /ɪn.kan.ta.ˈt͡si.oː.nem dɛ rɛs.ti.ˈtu.ti.oː/ (in-kahn-tah-TSEE-oh-nem deh reh-stee-TOO-tee-oh) is Latin. It is a spell of restoration for something broken or damaged.
Infinitas Gratiae /ɪn.fɪ.ˈni.tas ɡra.ˈti.eɪ/ (in-fi-NEE-tuhs grah-TEE-ey) is Latin. It means Infinite Grace. In mysticism, it's symbolized by an eight-pointed star and spiral within a squared circle.
Iskariótés /is.ka.rj.ˈó.tes/ (ees-kah-ree-OH-tes) (Ισκαριώτης) is a Greek surname.
Īśkhaḍgaṃ /ˈiː.ʃkʰəɖ.ɡə/ (EESH-khuhd-gum) (ईश्खड्गं) is Saṃskṛta. It refers to a particular type of weapon. On Gaea, they’re often called spirit knives or vampire knives because of their ability to paralyze people and drain prāṇa from them. The plural is īśkhaḍga /ˈiː.ʃkʰəɖ.ɡə/ (EESH-khuhd-guh) (ईश्खड़गा).
Iugis Debitor /ˈjuː.ɡɪs ˈdɛb.ɪ.tɔːr/ (YOO-gis DEB-ih-tor) is Latin. It means eternal debtor.
Kaijū /ka.i.ˈd͡ʑɯː/ (kah-ee-JOO) (怪獣) is Japanese. It means monster or giant beast.
Kalypto Hesykhia /ka.'lip.to he.'sy.kʰi.a/ (kah-LEEP-toh heh-SY-khee-uh) (Καλύπτω Ἡσυχία) is Greek. It means Blanket of Silence.
Kāmla /'kaːm.laː / (KAHM-lah) (कामला ) is a Saṃskṛta female name.
Kanien'keháka /kɑ.ni.ɛnʔ.kɛ.ˈhɑː.kɑ/ (kah-nee-ehn-keh-HAH-kah) is Mohawk. It means People of the Place of Flint.
Karkheh Dam /ˈkɑr.keɪ/ (KAR-kay) (سد کرخه) Dam is Persian. It’s located in Iran.
Kathreftis tou Narkissou /'kaθ.ref.tis tu nar.'kis.su/ (KAH-threhf-tis too nahr-KEES-soo) (Καθρεφτής Του Ναρκισσού) is Greek. It means the Mirror of Narcissus.
Khere-Ohe /ˈxɛ.rɛ ˈoː.hɛ/ (KHEH-reh OH-heh) is Ancient Egyptian. It is part of modern-day Cairo and is better known in the West by its Ancient Greek name, Heliopolis /hɛː.li.ˈoú.po.lis/ (hay-lee-OO-po-lis) (Ἡλιούπολις).
Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos /kon.stan.ˈdi.nos por.fi.ro.ˈʝen.ni.tos/ (kahn-stahn-DEE-nos pohr-fee-roh-YEH-nee-tos) (Κωνσταντίνος Πορφυρογέννητος) is a Greek male name. He was the last emperor of the Roman Empire on Gaea before the Council of Wizards established the Doctrine of Unity and the Unified Government.
Kṛtyā Bījā /kɽ̩t̪.'jaː biː.'d͡ʒaː/ (kruht-YAA bee-JAA) (कृत्या बीजा) is Saṃskṛta. It means seed of action or cause of action.
Lauremanda /lɔː.raɪ.ˈman.da/ (LOR-rye-man-da) is a Welsh name. It means the love of Laurentum. It’s one of the Bitter Islands on Omejis.
Leif Þorvaldsson /leɪf ˈθɔr.vald.sɔn/ (LAYF THOR-vald-son) (ᛚᛁᚠᚱ ᚦᚢᚱᚢᛅᛚᛏᛋᚢᚾ) is a Norse male name.
Lethargum Cantatio /lɛ.ˈtʰar.ɡum kan.ˈtaː.ti.oː/ (leh-TAHR-gum kan-TAH-tee-oh) is Latin. It means Song of Lethargy and is a stunning spell.
Lex Parsimoniae /leks par.ˈsɪ.mɔ.ni.ae̯/ (LEKS par-SI-moh-nee-eye) is Latin. It means the law of simplicity. It is associated with Occam’s razor, which states that when presented with competing hypotheses, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. The idea was first proposed by Gulielmus Occamus /gu.ˈli.el.mus ˈɔk.ka.mus/ (goo-lee-EL-moos AWK-ka-moos) (William of Ockham).
Li Bìmìng /li pi⁴¹.miŋ⁴¹/ (lee bee-ming) (李必明) is a Chinese male name.
Liáng Bo /lǐ.ǎŋ pwǒ/ (lee-ahng bwaw) (梁波) is a Chinese male name.
Līc /lik/ (leek) is Old English for corpse or body. It refers to necromancers who reanimate corpses and occupy them with magic while keeping their souls hidden in a remote location. They tend to be hard to kill, even when their animate forms are easy to destroy. There are weaker variations called demilīc and much more powerful versions called archlīc.
Līvyāṯān /liː.vjaː.'θaːn/ (lee-vyah-THAHN) (לִוְיָתָן) is Hebrew. It means leviathan, a sea monster mentioned in Hebrew mythologies.
Lóng Wèi /lʊŋ˧˥ wei˨˩˦/ (“LONG” with a rising tone, “way” with a falling-rising tone) (龙卫) is Tèngyīn. It means Dragon Guard, which is a ten-person special operations team in the Tèng Empire’s military. Equivalent to Zeta Cohors in the Unified Government.
Lucullus /lu.ˈkul.lus/ (loo-KOOL-loos) is a Latin male name.
Macula Seminis /ˈma.ku.la ˈse.mi.nis/ (MAH-koo-lah SEH-mee-nees) is Latin. It means semen stain. Used as an epithet.
Magna Veneficus /ˈmæɡ.nə və.ˈnɛ.fɪ.kəs/ (MAG-nuh vuh-NEF-i-kuhs) is Latin. It means great sorcerer. It’s a title of respect for the members of the Council of Wizards. When a Councilmember reveals their Council sigil to someone, it’s tradition for them to bow and say, “You honor me, Magna Veneficus.”
Manu Stuprare /ˈma.nu ˈstʊ.pra.re/ (MAH-noo STOOP-rah-reh) is Latin. It means to masturbate.
Maraṇamantra /ma.ɽə.ɳə.'man̪.t̪ra/ (muh-ruh-nuh-MUN-tra) (मरणमन्त्र) is Saṃskṛta. It means death or destruction spell.
Marquis /maʁ.ˈki/ (mar-KEE) is French.
Mashhad /mæʃ.ˈhæd/ (mash-HAAD) (مشهد) is Persian. It is a city near the Rig-e Jenn.
Massae et Energiae Credita /ˈmas.sae et en.er.ˈgi.ae ˈkre.di.ta/ (MAH-ssai et en-er-GEE-ai KREH-di-tah) is Latin. It translates as Mass and Energy Credits. Abbreviated as MECs in common parlance, these are used as the currency on Gaea for the Tanager Grid System. MECs replaced the metric currency system that was used on Gaea during the Roman Empire’s height, which included the following units:
Denarius /de.ˈnaː.ri.us/ (deh-NAH-ree-oos) was the largest denomination in Roman culture on Gaea. The plural is denarii /de.ˈnaː.ri.iː/ (deh-NAH-ree-ee).
Assarius /as.ˈsaː.ri.us/ (ah-SAH-ree-oos) Ten assarii made one denarius. The plural is assarii /as.ˈsaː.ri.iː/ (ah-SAH-ree-ee).
Semi /ˈse.mi/ (SEH-mee) Two of these made one assarius. It was the smallest denomination in Roman culture on Gaea.
Medician /mə.ˈdɪʃ.ən/ (mə-DISH-ən) is an English word derived from Latin roots. It means pertaining to or connected with medicine—it’s an ancient term for a doctor.
Mélisandre /meɪ.lɪˈsændrə/ (may-lih-SAN-drə) is a French female name.
Miàn Jīn /mj.'ɛ̌n tɕín/ (my-EN jeen) (麵筋) is Chinese. It refers to a type of wheat gluten commonly used in traditional cuisine.
Mīkhāʼēla /mi.χaː.ˈʔe.la/ (mee-khah-AY-luh) (מִיכָאֵלָה) is a Hebrew female nam. It means means who is like God.
Nāḍī /naː.'ɖiː/ (nah-DEE) (नाडी) is Saṃskṛta. It refers term and refers to a channel or conduit in the body through which energy flows. In Hindu and Yogic traditions, there are said to be three primary nāḍī through which the vital energy, or prāṇa, circulates.
Nefarium Abominationis /ne.ˈfaː.ri.ʊm a.bo.mɪ.na.'ti.oː.nɪs/ (neh-FAH-ree-uhm ah-boh-mih-nuh-TEE-oh-nis) is Latin. It means the Abomination of Wickedness or the Wicked Horror. It’s a magical poison created from the effluvium of the underworld.
Nekhir Zannon /ˈnɛ.χiːr ˈzæn.non/ (NE-heer ZAN-non) is a Nīanidās male name.
Nērḡál /nɛːr.ˈɡal/ (nair-GAL) is Mesopotamian. It refers to a god of the underworld. The name is written in a cuneiform script, and the pronunciation is uncertain due to the lack of vowels as written. However, based on the Akkadian language, closely related to the Sumerian tongue, the name is believed to be pronounced as above.
Nephilim Structures on Gaea, these are called Gatehouses and Temples. The Ôrëńā terms for these structures translate approximately as Annex, Nexus, and Nexus Centralis in Latin.
Annex /ˈan.neks/ (AHN-neks)
Nexus /ˈnek.sus/ (NEK-soos)
Nexus Centralis /ˈnek.sus kɛn.ˈtra.lis/ (NEK-soos ken-TRAH-lees)
Neyshabur /nej.ˈʃɑː.buːr/ (nay-SHAH-boor) (نیشابور) is Persian. It is a city near the Rig-e Jenn.
Ngoronga /ŋ.ɡo.ˈroŋɡ.a/ (n-GO-rong-ah) is a proper noun from the Empire of Ten Suns.
Obscuratus /ɔb.skjuː.ˈrɑː.tus/ (ob-skyoo-RAH-toos) is Latin. It means obscured or hidden. The plural form is obscurati /ɔb.skjuː.ˈrɑː.ti/ (ob-skyoo-RAH-tee).
Obscuritas Sensuum /ɔb.ˈskjuː.riː.tas 'sen.su.um/ (ob-SKYOO-ri-tas SEN-soo-um) is Latin. It is a spell that obscures the senses of others, making it almost impossible to detect the hidden person or object.
Obstetrix /ɒb.ˈstɛ.trɪks/ (ob-STEH-triks) is Latin. It means midwife. Typically, these are females, but not always.
Oceanus /oː.ˈkiː.a.nus/ (oh-KEE-ah-noos) is Latin. It refers to the oceans of Gaea. There are four of them, all labeled after cardinal directions.
Oceanus Septentrionalis /oː.ˈkiː.a.nus sep.ten̪ˠ.t̪ɾi.oː.ˈnaː.lɪs/ (oh-KEE-ah-noos sep-ten-tree-o-NAH-lis) is the Northern Ocean.
Oceanus Orientalis /oːˈkiː.a.nus o.ri.en.ˈtaː.lɪs/ (oh-KEE-ah-noos oh-ree-en-TAH-lis) is the Eastern Ocean.
Oceanus Australis /oː.ˈkiː.a.nus aw.ˈstraː.lɪs/ (oh-KEE-ah-noos aw-STRAY-lis) is the Southern Ocean.
Oceanus Occidentalis /oː.ˈkiː.a.nus ok.kiː.den̪ˠ.ˈtaː.lɪs/ (oh-KEE-ah-noos oh-kih-den-TAH-lis) is the Western Ocean.
Ocularium /oː.ku.ˈla.ri.um/ (oh-koo-LAH-ree-um) is Latin. It means a place for viewing or an observatory.
Ōdachi /ˈoː.da.ꜜtɕi/ (OH-dah-chee) (大太刀) is Japanese. It’s a type of longsword.
Olisbos /oˈlis.bos/ (oh-LIS-bos) (ὄλισβος) is Ancient Greek. It refers to a dildo.
Omejis /ˈoː.mi.dʒus/ (OH-mee-juhs) is a planet name. The local population speaks a Welsh derivative, but Omejis hails from an earlier culture.
Ouroboros /u.roˈvo.ros/ (oo-roh-VOR-ohs) (Οὐροβόρος) is Greek. It’s an ancient symbol of a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. It originated in Ancient Egyptian iconography and was later adopted by Greek and Gnostic traditions. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and has a meaning similar to saṃsāra, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth from Indian mythologies.
Persephone /per.se.ˈpʰó.neː/ (pehr-seh-FOH-nee) (Περσεφόνη) is Ancient Greek. It's a female given name.
Phoenix /ˈpʰoî.nix/ (FOY-niks) (Φοῖνιξ) is Ancient Greek. In Greek mythology, the phoenix is a mythical bird that is said to live for hundreds of years before bursting into flames and being reborn from its own ashes. The phoenix is often associated with themes of death and rebirth, and it has been depicted in various forms of art and literature throughout history. The word can also refer more broadly to any person or thing that is reborn or rises from the ashes of its past. The plural is phoinikes /ˈpʰoî.ni.kes/ (FOY-nee-kes) (Φοῖνικες).
Phoíbe /pʰo.ˈí.bɛː/ (foh-EE-beh) (Φοίβη) is a Greek female name. It’s used for Gaea’s moon.
Phylacterium /ˌfaɪ.læk.ˈtiːr.i.əm/ (fy-lak-TEER-ee-um) is Latin. It means a small (often leather) box containing Hebrew texts. On Gaea, līc store their souls in such repositories. The plural is phylacteria /faɪ.ˈlæk.tə.ri.ə/ (fy-LAK-tuh-ree-uh).
Prāṇa /ˈpraː.ɳə/ (PRAH-nuh) (प्राण) is Saṃskṛta. It means subtle energy or vital force.
Prāṇamaṇḍala /ˈpraː.ɳə.məɳ.ɖə.lə/ (PRAH-nuh-muhn-duh-luh) (प्राणमण्डल) is Saṃskṛta. It refers to a philosophy in which the cosmos is viewed as a series of nested densities of prāṇa, each with distinct characteristics yet overlapping and thoroughly interconnected.
Prijantivāda /priː.dʒən.ti.ˈʋaː.də/ (pree-juhn-tih-VAH-duh) (प्रीजंतिवाद) is a Vidharthan name.
Procubus /prə.ˈkjuː.bəs/ (pruh-KYOO-buhs) is Latin. On Gaea, it refers to a sex demon who may be either female or male. The plural is procubi /prə.ˈkjuː.bi/ (pruh-KYOO-bee). On Earth, a female sex demon is a succubus /ˈsʌk.jə.bəs/ (SUK-yuh-buhs). The plural is succubi /sʌ.ˈkjuː.bi/ (suh-KYOO-bee). A male sex demon is an incubus /ˈɪŋ.kjə.bəs/ (ING-kyuh-buhs). The plural is incubi /ɪŋ.ˈkjuː.bi/ (ing-KYOO-bee).
Proventus Licinius Abantius /proː.ˈwen.tus lɪ.ˈkɪ.ni.us a.ˈban.ti.us/ (proh-WEN-tuhs lih-KIH-nee-uhs ah-BAN-tee-uhs) is a Latin male name.
Puṇḍarīka /puɳ.ɖə.ˈriː.ka/ (poon-duh-REE-kuh) (पुण्डरीक) is Saṃskṛta.
Pyxis /ˈpʏk.sɪs/ (PIK-sis) is Latin by way of Ancient Greek (πυξίς ). It means a small container. Līc can store their souls in such artifacts, but they usually use the term phylacterium to describe their soul boxes. The plural is pyxides /ˈpʏk.sɪ.deːs/ (PIK-si-dees).
Qiūjú'àoshuāng /tɕʰjóu.tɕy̌.â.u.ˈʂwáŋ/ (chyoh-joo-ah-oh-SHWAHNG) (秋菊傲霜) is a Chinese name.
Quetzalcōātl /ke.t͡saɬ.'koː.wat͡ɬ/ (keh-tsahl-KOH-ahtl) is Classical Nahuatl. It means feathered serpent. It was the name given to a deity in Mesoamerican mythology who was worshipped by several cultures, including the Aztecs and the Toltecs. Quetzalcōātl was the god of air, wind, and learning; he was a patron of craftspeople and merchants. The feathered serpent was also associated with Venus and was considered a symbol of renewal and rebirth.
Ràild /'rɑː.ʎtʲ / (RAH-yltch) is a Scottish male name.
Rājadhānī /raː.d͡ʒə.'d̪ʱaː.niː/ (rah-juh-DHAH-nee) (राजधानी) is Saṃskṛta. It means capital city or royal seat. It is commonly used in India to refer to a state or province's central city or administrative center. The Vidhartha also use it.
Ramírez /ra.ˈmi.ɾez/ (rah-MEE-reth) is a Hispanic surname.
Rictus /ˈrɪk.təs/ (RIK-tuhs) is Latin. It means a fixed or unnatural expression, often one of distress or pain.
Rig-e Jenn /ˈriːg e ʤen/ (REEG eh JENN) (ریگ جن) is Persian. It translates as Desert of the Jinn.
Rilladwen /rɪl.ˈlad.wɛn/ (rill-LAD-wen) is a Welsh name. It’s the capital city of Omejis, located on the supercontinent, Ednyfed.
Róisín /ˈrˠoː.ʃiːn/ (ROH-sheen) is an Irish female name.
Sabzevar /sæbz.ə.ˈvɑːr/ (sabz-eh-VAAR) (سبزوار) is Persian. It is a city near the Rig-e Jenn.
Śaktibandhana /ˈʃʌk.tɪ.bʌn.ˈdhʌ.nʌ/ (SHUK-tee-bun-DHUH-nuh) (शक्तिबन्धन) is Saṃskṛta. It means energy bindings and refers to magical bandages that can be wrapped around an object to contain its power. They are difficult to make and very rare.
Salve /ˈsal.we/ (SAHL-weh) is Latin. It means hello or greetings to a single person. The plural equivalent is avete /a.ˈwe.te/ (ah-WEH-teh).
Saṃsāra /sə̃n.'saː.ra/ (suhm-SAH-ruh) (संसार) is Saṃskṛta. It refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian mythologies. It is the process of reincarnation or transmigration of the soul based on one's karma or the accumulated effects of one's actions.
Saṃskāra /sə̃.'skɑː.ra/ (suhm-SKAH-rah) (संस्कार) is Saṃskṛta. It has various meanings in different contexts, but generally refers to a ritual or a rite of passage. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it can refer to the traditions or practices that mark significant life events, such as birth, puberty, marriage, and death. It can also refer to the mental and moral qualities cultivated through education and experience.
Saṃskṛta /sə̃.'skɹ̩.t̪ə/ (suhm-SKRIH-tuh) (संस्कृत) means refined or purified. It is the name of the ancient classical language of India that has been used for religious, philosophical, and literary purposes for over 2,500 years. It is closely related to the Vidharthan tongue.
Saṅkrāmaṇa /səŋ.'Kraː.mə.ɳə/ (suhng-KRAH-muh-nuh) (सङ्क्रामण) is Saṃskṛta. It means migration or journey. The Prāṇa Saṅkrāmaṇa is a ritual where two people cut their right wrists with an īśkhaḍga and then push the incisions together while someone casts a healing spell three times over the wounds. The ritual transfers essential prāṇa from the stronger party to the weaker.
Śāśvatavrata /'ʃaː.ʃwə.t̪ə.vraː.t̪ə/ (SHAH-shwuh-tuh-vraht-uh) (शाश्वतव्रत) is Saṃskṛta. It means an eternal vow or perpetual observance. It is a spell that binds the vower to the task they’re swearing to complete.
Scuta /'sku.ta / (SKOO-tah) is Latin. It means shield.
Seiren /se͜ɪ.réːn/ (say-REEN) (Σειρήν) is Ancient Greek. It refers to a matrilineal group with powerful vocal magic. Intercessus Valentina had the strongest gift until Imara Inanna. The plural is seirenes /se͜ɪ.réːn.es/ (say-REEN-es) (Σειρῆνες).
Semilamia /se.mi.'la.mi.a/ (seh-mih-LAH-mee-uh) is Latin. It means half-vampire. The plural is semilamiae /se.mi.ˈla.mi.ae̯/ (seh-mih-LAH-ee-eye).
Sensorium /sɛn.ˈsɔːr.ɪ.əm/ (sen-SAWR-ee-uhm) is Latin. It means the collective impression of the senses. The Hekton Verbāül uses it to define their apprehension of reality. The plural is sensoria /sen.ˈso.ri.a/ (sen-SOH-ree-ah).
Śiva /ˈʃi.və/ (SHE-vuh) (शिव) is Saṃskṛta.
Skawen’na’há:wi /ska.wɛn.ˈná.há.ʔwi/ (skah-wen-NAH-hah-quee) is a Mohawk name.
Sokólska /sɔ.ˈkɔl.ska/ (soh-KOHL-ska) is a Polish surname.
Solstitium Aestivum /sɔl.ˈstɪ.ti.um ɛs.ˈti.wum/ (SOHL-stih-tee-uhm es-TEE-wum) is Latin. It means the summer solstice.
Solum legatos aut superiores osculor /ˈsɔ.lum le.ˈɡa.tos aut suː.pe.ˈri.oː.res os.ˈkuː.lor/ (SOH-lum leh-GAH-tos out soo-peh-REE-oh-res os-KOO-lor) is Latin. It means, “I only kiss generals or above.”
Spaera Mystica /ˈspɛə.rə mɪs.ˈtɪk.ə/ (SPEER-uh miss-TIK-uh) is Latin. It means Mystic Sphere. It’s a magical circle conjured by wizards to contain summonings and other enchantments.
Ssalltyggia /sæl.ˈtɪdʒ.dʒi.ə/ (sæl-TIJ-jee-uh) is a planet in the Ring of Worlds. The word is native to the dominant lifeforms, an avian species.
Stultus /ˈstʊl.tʊs/ (STOOL-toos) is Latin. It means foolish or stupid. Colloquially, it’s equivalent to asshat or clown.
Stygius /ˈstyː.ɡi.us/ (STYE-gee-oos) is Latin. It’s a planet in the Ring of Worlds.
Subliguria /sʊb.lɪ.ˈɡuː.ri.ə/ (sub-lih-GOO-ree-uh) is Latin. It means the undergarment worn by ancient Romans. It was essentially a loincloth worn under a toga or other outer garments. The subliguria was typically made of linen or leather and was worn by men and women alike. The plural is subliguriae /sub.li.ˈɡu.ri.ae/ (soob-lee-GOO-ree-eye)
Sulwyn /ˈsɪl.wɪn/ (SILL-win) is a Welsh male name.
Tèngyīn /tʰə̂ŋ.ˈin/ (tung-EEN) (腾银) is Chinese. It means rising or soaring silver. It is the name of the language spoken in the Tèng Empire.
Tezcatlipōca /teskatɬiˈpoːka/ (tehs-kaht-lee-POH-kah) is a Nahuatl name from Aztec mythology.
Thalatte /tʰa.ˈlat̪.t̪i/ (thuh-LAT-tee) (θαλάττη) is a Greek female name.
Thaumatourgós /θaʊ.ma.tʊr.ˈgɔs/ (thow-muh-toor-GOHS) (Θαυματουργός) is Greek. It means miracle worker or magician. The plural is thaumatourgói /tʰaŭ̯.ma.to͜ur.ˈɡoí̯/ (thow-muh-toor-GOI) (Θαυματουργοί).
Therianthrope /θɪ.ˈriː.æn.θroʊp/ (thi-REE-an-throhp) is derived from Ancient Greek. It is a creature with the ability to transform from a human into an animal. In Ancient Greek, it would be theriánthrōpos /θe.riˈan.θrɔː.pos/ (the-ree-AN-throh-pos) (θηριάνθρωπος).
To Cheri Akhiddeus /to ˈkʰé.ri a.kʰid.ˈdé.ɔːs/ (toh KHEH-ree ah-kheed-DEH-ohs) (Το Χέρι Ἀχιλεύς) is Greek. It means the Blade or Hand of Achilles. It’s a spell preferred by Zandar Dikembe.
Torbat-e Heydarieh /tor.ˈbæt e hej.ˈdɑː.rje/ (tor-BAT eh hey-DAA-ryeh) (تربت حیدریه) is Persian. It is a city near the Rig-e Jenn.
Trochos tou Hephaistos /ˈtro.xos tu e.ˈpʰes.tos/ (TRO-khohs too eh-PHEHS-taws) (Τροχός Του Ήφαιστου) is Greek. It means the Wheel of Hephaistos. It is a rotating wheel of fire with eight spokes that hovers in the sky. It is a favorite of Alexander Eldred.
Tsalagiyehli Didatlv /t͡saː.laː.ɡiː.ˈjeː.li di.ˈdaː.t͡ɬʌ/ (tsah-lah-ghee-YAY-lee dee-DAH-tluh) (ᏣᎳᎩᏱᎩ ᏗᏓᏟ) is Cherokee. It means Cherokee People’s Mountains. It refers to a mountain range in eastern Demurria where Wardenclyffe Castle is located. They are most commonly called the Tsalagiyehli Mountains.
Utriculus /u.ˈtri.ku.lus/ (oo-TREE-koo-loos) is Latin. It means a small bag or bladder in plants and animals. The Drakëńā utriculus is a birthing area where unusual children can be born via a ritual called Dhātendim, or the Becoming. The plural is utriculi /u.ˈtri.ku.li/ (oo-TREE-koo-lee).
Vacuolation /ˌvæk.ju.ə.ˈleɪ.ʃən/ (VAK-yoo-uh-LAY-shun) are cavities or spaces. In this case, it’s a pocket universe.
Venediktov /vʲɪ.ˈnʲe.dʲɪk.tof/ (vih-NYE-dyik-tof) (Венедиктов) is a Russian surname.
Verum Iacet /ˈwe.rum ˈja.ket/ (WEH-rum YAH-ket) is Latin. It means the truth lies. It is a truth spell.
Vicchāya /vɪt͡.'ʃʰaː.ja/ (vich-CHAH-yuh) (विच्छाया) is a Saṃskṛta surname.
Vidhartha /vid.'hɑr.θə/ (veed-HAR-thuh) (विधार्थ) is the name of an alien race. Their language closely resembles Saṃskṛta.
Vincula Mortis /ˈwɪŋ.kuː.la ˈmɔrtɪs/ (WIN-koo-lah MOR-tis) is Latin. It means Chains of Mortality, the subtle essence that binds the souls of the living to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Machine personalities are not bound to the Chains unless they’ve got a locrunite core to give them the spark of life. The Chains are commonly referred to on Gaea in Latin, Ancient Greek, Persian, and Saṃskṛta.
Alusídes Thnētótētas /a.ly.ˈsi.ðes tʰ.neː.ˈtoː.teː.tas/ (ah-lee-SEE-des th-nee-TOH-tee-tas) (Αλυσίδες Θνητότητας).
Zanjireha-ye Marg /zæn.d͡ʒiː.ɾ.'hɑː.je mæɾg/ (zahn-jee-reh-HAA-yeh marg) (زنجیرهای مرگ) is Persian.
Mṛtyuraśmān /ˈmɽ̩t.jʊ.ɾɐɕ.mɑːn/ (MRIT-yoo-rahsh-maan) (मृत्युरश्मान्) is Saṃskṛta.
Volkov /ˈvol.kof/ (VOL-kov) (Волков) is a Russian surname.
Wacława /va.ˈswa.va / (vah-SWAH-vah) is a Polish female name.
Wáng Chénguāng /wǎŋ tʂʰə́n.kwáŋ/ (wahng chen-gwahng) (王成光) is a Chinese female name.
Wōdāo /wó.ˈtɑ̄u/ (waw-tao) (倭刀) is Chinese. It refers to a type of Japanese sword.
Wú Xiāng /wǔ ɕi̯.ɑ́ŋ/ (woo with a falling tone shy-ahng with a rising tone) (五行) is a Chinese female name.
Wūlóngchá /wú.lóŋ.tʂʰá/ (woo-long-cha) (乌龙茶) is Chinese. It refers to a type of oolong tea.
Xéfrenos Thavmasmós /ksɛ.'fre.nos θav.'mas.mos/ (kseh-FREH-nos thahv-MAHZ-mohs) (Ξέφρενος Θαυμασμός) is Greek. It means Wild Ecstasy or Mad Wonder. It’s a euphoria spell.
Yllundi /iːl.ˈlʊn.di/ (eel-LOON-dee) is a female name.
Yuko Kamiya /ˈjuː.koʊ kə.ˈmiː.jə (YOO-koh kuh-MEE-yuh) (神谷由子) is a Japanese female name.
Zāqān Ghūl /zɑ.'qɑn ɡuːl/ (zah-QAHN gool) (زَقَنْ غُول) is Arabic. It means elder ghoul.
Zeta Cohors /ˈzeː.ta ˈkoː.hors/ (ZAY-tah KOH-hors) is Latin. It means Zeta Force, an elite squadron in the Unified Military. It’s an eight-person team that performs special operations for the government. It is equivalent to the Tèng Empire’s Lóng Wèi.